Q72 - Samick Sports reneges!
Last Updated 16/04/2014 at 04:29:29 PM EST
I wanna(sic) buy a KSL book to learn his techniques. I asked SAMICK BINGJING, they told me the English edition had 11 chapters, 203 pages and the Chinese edition had 11chapters, 117 pages. Could you please let me know where I can buy the Chinese translation.
Thank you.
May 22, 2012
from L.Z. of China:

I wanna(sic) buy a KSL book to learn his techniques. I asked SAMICK BINGJING, they told me the English edition had 11 chapters, 203 pages and the Chinese edition had 11chapters, 117 pages. Could you please let me know where I can buy the Chinese translation.
Thank you."
Unfortunately Samick, without our permission as copyright holders, printed a Chinese edition. Any correspondence with them since, have been stone walled. Likewise a French edition was printed and also royalties were reneged on. The President of Samick Sport, Mr. Lee, bong-jay acted initially very honourable, but sadly no longer, for reasons only known to himself.
Sorry can’t help you with this one.

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