Q03 - How do you develop your back muscles and know all is in the right place?
Last Updated 08/04/2014 at 02:25:58 PM EST
I would like to just ask a more general question on how to develop the back muscles and how to learn to feel that everything is in the right place. Also should one use a drawing band or bow with Formaster attached as part of warming up before a tournament (or practice) as the muscles take a while to tell you which ones are working?
January 13, 2006
from P.H. of England:

"I would like to just ask a more general question on how to develop the back muscles and how to learn to feel that everything is in the right place. Also should one use a drawing band or bow with Formaster attached as part of warming up before a tournament (or practice) as the muscles take a while to tell you which ones are working?"
I think the answer to your previous question answers most of how to develop your back muscles. To learn to feel that everything is in the right place really needs the assistance of a coach, who is familiar with the KSL Coaching Techniques. If you have no coach, maybe an knowledgeable archer can assist, by both of you studying the text and pictures on pages 54,55,56,57 and 58 and pages 105-107. I would suggest in the first instance you use a rubber band or very light bow, about 15lbs, to develop the right technique. The Formaster using us solid rope (no elastic) is an excellent training tool to learn form.
Warm-up should be performed before any practice or tournament, refer pages 135 – 142 for Warm-up and Stretches for Archery. I would suggest, if the opportunity is available, to shoot some blank butt after warm-up to reinforce technique and activate the shooting muscles ready for competition.

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