Q18 - I would like to read about Mr. Lee's journey?
Last Updated 10/04/2014 at 03:39:43 PM EST
Could you put me on the email list for any coaching that Mr. Lee may do at the end of the year. Much appreciated. 
Also, I am interested in Mr. Lee's testimony - his faith seems very real to him. I would like to read about his journey has he written it down?
Kindest regards.
June 16, 2006
from A.V. of Australia:

Could you put me on the email list for any coaching that Mr. Lee may do at the end of the year. Much appreciated.
Also, I am interested in Mr. Lee's testimony - his faith seems very real to him. I would like to read about his journey has he written it down?
Kindest regards."
You are on the mailing list :-). Mr. Lee will have only one seminar during his Christmas vacation in Australia at the end of this year, most likely of 2 days duration.
Yes, Mr. Lee's faith is very real to him, both in his daily life and in his approach to coaching. In the near future we will be publishing an interview on this specific aspect of his life.

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