September 1, 2006
from J. of USA:
"Dear KSL,
I agree with everything you have said in your reply, however is it true that training in Korea is different to anywhere else in the world? If a young person were on a training program in Korea at what ages and poundage would they be expected to cope with, also would the training program support these demands.
Thank you."
In Korea they start in about Year 4 (9-10 years old) and practice with a rubber band for about 3 months to develop proper form, before even drawing a real bow.
From Year 4 - 6 (9-12 year olds) maximum distances shot 20 -30M. Most can score perfect scores at 20M and 350 at 30M on an 80cm face. Bow weight varies, but about in the order of 25-35lbs.
From Year 7 - 12 (13-15 year olds) max distances shot 30-50M and score 350 on a small face at both distances. Again bow weights vary, but are in the order of about 30 -45lbs, depending on individuals.
Year 10 - (15-16 year old) full FITA distances They won't be shooting maximum bow weights yet, as they are still continuing to develop.